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EDC Connector TUI

A TUI client for EDC.

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Fetch a latest release here

or install with cargo

cargo install edc-connector-tui


The TUI client can either run with a single connector configured via cli args:

edc-connector-tui connector --url http://localhost:29193/management --token 123456

or if no args provided it will try to read connectors configuration from the file at ~/.config/edc-connector-tui/config.toml

The file should contain the list of configured connectors:

auth= { type = "token", token_alias = "connector_alias" }


The token_alias is used to fetch the actual token from the system keyring for the service edc-connector-tui.

For configuration above the token could be set with secret-tool on Linux:

secret-tool store --label="FirstConnector" service edc-connector-tui username connector_alias

Altough edc-connector-tui builds for OSX and Windows are available, it has been only tested on Linux. Contributions are welcome for multiplatform support/testing